Does Centralex have a referral system?
The answer is "Yes"
Why should I use your referral system?
Referring to your friends and family can help to gain passive income. We at Centralex having a desirable ongoing two-tier referral system that allows you to earn passive income.
How does the Centralex referral system work?
Users will earn a 25% share of the Trading fees collected from L1 referrals and 5% of the Trading fees collected from their L2 referrals for the Basic Referral system. The rewards are shared as centralex coins, an equivalent fee earned.
For the VIP Referral system, A VIP user will earn up to 35% of the fees collected by L1 VIP referrals and 10% of the fees collected from their L2 VIP referrals if they hold more than $7500 in the equivalent of CenX tokens.